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All About Blood Type O

The oldest of the blood types, Type O traces as far back as the human race itself. With primal origins based in the survival and expansion of humans and their ascent to the top of the food chain, it’s no wonder Blood Type O genetic traits include exceptional strength, a lean physique and a productive mind.

Further demonstrating a link to the meat-based nourishment of the early hunter-gatherer, Type O stress can manifest in an overactive “fight or flight” response reminiscent of early survival instincts, resulting in excessive adrenaline production.

By adopting a Blood Type O diet and lifestyle, you can be the strong, self-reliant leader your blood type predicts you can be.

Know you.

  • Strengths
    Hardy digestive tract, strong immune system, natural defenses against infections
    System synchronized to preserve and metabolize nutrients efficiently
  • Weaknesses
    Difficulty adjusting to new dietary and environmental conditions
    Tendency toward an overactive immune system
  • Medical Risks
    Blood-clotting disorders, low thyroid production, ulcers, allergies, inflammatory diseases such as arthritis
  • Diet Profile
    High protein: meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, limited grains, beans, legumes
  • Quick Food Reference
    Avoid: wheat, corn, navy beans, lentils, kidney beans, dairy
    Beneficial: kelp, seafood, red meat, kale, spinach, broccoli, olive oil
  • Exercise Routines
    Intense physical exercise: aerobics, running or martial arts

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