How long have you been following the diet?
5 years
Why did you start the diet?
I started because my Mom needed a kidney. I was told I was overweight, pre-diabetic and was being sought out to take 2 high blood pressure pills. I asked my doctor to give me a chance to correct myself. This is when i prayed and sought out God/Holy spirit to teach me about myself. Once I learned my blood type I did tons or research and came across eating right for your blood type. Which taught me about what foods I should and should not partake of. I was eating everything I should not have been eating. A big one was cabbage it was my favorite. I even did the cabbage diet however it was harming me rather than helping me. My Mom ended up not even needing my kidney. I am in the best health of my life. I am currently seeking to help others learn of their blood types so that they too can be medication free.
Have you lost any weight?
How much weight have you lost?
I was weighing 295, I am today 165
Have you noticed any other health improvements?
Yes, my mental health and skin as improved. I don't get migraines anymore. I am currently on no medication.
Tell us about your experience on the diet and any changes you’ve seen.
My lifestyle change has caused me to not have any more arthritis, I am so much energy I feel good mentally and physically. My friends tell me I am aging backwards. Thankful for this. My self-esteem is at an all time high. I never imagined be a 33 waist. I was a 44 waist. I can now shop inside the stores I am also a medium in shirts. Never thought I could actually be in a medium anything. I have always worn 2XL or 3XL. Listen I tell everyone that it works however there are some things foods that you will have to depart from. So my question is always are you willing to let of foods that are causing you harm to be healed of the things that are keeping you from living your best life???