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Personalized Nutrition The Blood Type Diet Blog - 4YourType

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Nitric Oxide: Now It’s Here, Now It’s Not.

Jul 15th, 2024

by Dr. Peter D'Adamo

Nitric Oxide: Now It’s Here, Now It’s Not.

Until the mid-1900s scientists were completely unaware of the role that a laughably small molecule played in human health. The molecule is called nitric oxide (usually abbreviated NO) and it is simply the marriage of one molecule of oxygen and one m...
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Brain Washing. The Good Kind.

Jul 9th, 2024

by Dr. Emily D'Adamo

Brain Washing. The Good Kind.

Every night when we go to sleep, our brain enters the cleaning cycle. This cycle, known as cerebral autophagy, is the process by which our bodies get rid of old or damaged parts of the cells. The name ‘autophagy’ comes from the Greek words auto (self...
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Calcium: Everything You Need to Know

Jun 3rd, 2024

by Blood Type Diet

Calcium: Everything You Need to Know

You’ve most likely heard at one time or another that calcium is a key component for women striving to maintain optimal health. But why? What is its importance? Are all calcium supplements the same? How does blood type impact calcium requirement...
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Out with Detoxes. In with Cleaning.

Apr 22nd, 2024

by Dr. Emily D'Adamo

Out with Detoxes. In with Cleaning.

Let’s Do Some Spring CleaningI’ll admit, I’m not the biggest fan of “detoxes.” We have mechanisms in place that detoxify volatile and toxic compounds every day without us even feeling it. While detoxing is definitely important, it’s a pretty comp...
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Health Benefits of Elderberry

Feb 26th, 2020

by Blood Type Diet

Health Benefits of Elderberry

You’ve probably seen elderberry products cropping up recently in the form of lozenges, capsules and syrups, but despite a recent surge in attention, elderberry has long been in the back pocket of many acclaimed healers, including Hippocrates hi...
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Detoxing from Detox

Apr 30th, 2019

by Dr. Peter D'Adamo

Detoxing from Detox

Many of us are aware of the concept of a ‘meme,’ an idea that spreads from person to person within a culture as some sort of phenomenon. Memes are sticky, like that song you can’t get out of your head no matter how hard you try. ‘Deto...
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Bugs and Blood Types

Mar 4th, 2019

by Dr. Peter D'Adamo

Bugs and Blood Types

From my very first book,  Eat Right for Your Type, I’ve written about the mysterious connection between the ABO blood types and the makeup of the microbial world inside our bodies, also known as the ‘microbiome.’ As evidence increasi...
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Security Blitz: A Report from the Field

Feb 1st, 2019

by Dr. Peter D'Adamo

Security Blitz: A Report from the Field

As I write this, my immediate surroundings appear exclusively populated with a bevy of sneezing, throat clearing, nose blowing and coughing troglodytes that in earlier times I was once able to recognize as friends, students and colleagues. Ye...
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Elderberry & Immune Support

Nov 1st, 2018

by The Blood Type Diet

Elderberry & Immune Support

Elderberry has long been regarded as a food with incredible immune-supporting properties. But can this simple berry truly improve how your body responds to illness? If you’re talking about the influenza virus, a source of annual epidemics, the...
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Best Stress Fighting Supplements

Sep 27th, 2018

by The Blood Type Diet

Best Stress Fighting Supplements

Catechol B vitamins, amino acids and the botanicals magnolia and rhodiola work together to fight the “slow-burn” of stress that can linger on and cause long term elevated cortisol levels. This blend is good for ev...
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