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Turmeric Puffed Rice Bars

Sep 10th, 2017 by The Blood Type Diet

Turmeric Puffed Rice Bars - Right 4 All Blood Types

Used in cooking for thousands of years, turmeric is the root of a tropical plant in the same family as ginger. Though native to South Asia, particularly India, this spice is now cultivated throughout Asia and the Caribbean as well. It has an earthy, slightly bitter flavor and an intense yellow-orange color. Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant and a great addition to these simple puffed rice bars. Reminiscent of childhood treats, these puffed rice bars make for a fun snack that are still healthy and guilt-free!

[ Serves 4-6 people ]

Tumeric Puffed Rice Bars - Ingredients


  • 6 cups unsweetened organic puffed rice
  • ¾ cup honey (Type O non-secretor and Type AB non-secretor substitute the same amount of agave)
  • 4 tablespoons ghee
  • 1 tablespoon turmeric
  • 1 cup dried cherries
Tumeric Puffed Rice Bars - steps


  1. Mix the ghee with the turmeric until smooth.
  2. In a large bowl, mix together the puffed rice, honey (or agave), dried cherries and turmeric-ghee mixture from step 1 with a spatula until all ingredients are well combined.
  3. Transfer the mixture to a 14x10 inch pan and spread evenly with the spatula.
  4. Place a baking sheet over the puffed rice mixture and flatten it with your hands to pack it firmly in the pan.
  5. Place the puffed rice pan in the freezer and freeze for two hours.
  6. Cut out the bars to your desired size; they will be ready to eat as soon as they leave the freezer!
Tumeric Puffed Rice Bars - Ingredients

Tips, storage & serving suggestions

  • Keep the bars refrigerated.
  • Bars can keep in the fridge for 3 days.
  • Try breaking the bars up and eating them as cereal in a bowl of almond milk. (Type O non-secretors should use a right-for-your-type milk.)
  • Blood types AB & O non-secretors should replace honey with agave syrup.