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Personalized nutrition
just got easier.

Official Blood Type Diet App

  • Keep your Blood Type Diet food lists at your fingertips
  • Create a Family Food List for the entire family
  • Learn the basics about Dr. Peter D'Adamo's Eat Right 4 Your Type

Download now for only $3.99

Blood Type Diet App Blood Type Diet App

The Official Blood Type Diet App

Ranked #6 in App Store and #3 in Google Play*

* Health & Fitness Paid Apps Ranking as of March 2025

See what everyone else is saying.

Pick and personalize.

Pick your blood type and (optional) secretor status, and the app will immediately categorize the foods for you.

Find beneficial foods.

Use the handy search feature or browse by category to identify the foods that are Beneficial, Neutral or Avoid for your type.

Shopping made easy.

Set up your shopping list for easy access while you’re out and about. If you are feeding a variety of blood types, the app can even select the foods you all have in common.

Yes, the app will select common foods good for multiple blood types.

Why we like it.

  • Clear, intuitive navigation makes it simple to find the foods Right 4 Your Type® and right for you.
  • Quick access to supplement lists for a wide range of health goals.
  • Easy to use but with a User Guide, FAQ and responsive support if needed.

Download now for only $3.99!

If you need support for our Blood Type Diet app, we are here to help. Please contact:
You can also find general app support from both Apple App Store and Google Play Help Center.
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Google Play Terms of Service and Apple's Terms and Conditions